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Showing posts from February, 2022

Teacher last survey results

  According to the results of the last survey to the teachers, all of the teachers in our project stated that they learned a new web 2.0 tool, In addition, teachers said that they like collaborative work. Again, all of the teachers said that they intend to apply both the six hats method and the flipped classroom model in their own lessons. They also stated that they are satisfied with the project's progress in accordance with the plan.

Student last survey results

  For the post-test, the questions that were lower than the first test results were emphasized. Accordingly, the rate of those who did not see nuclear energy as renewable energy in the post-test increased from 78% to 80%. The rate of those who say that geothermal energy is not renewable energy has decreased from 63% to 45%. The percentage of those who say that geothermal energy is produced from the heat of magma has increased from 65% to 73%. The rate of those who say that energy can be produced from garbage increased from 76% to 83%. The rate of those who consider fossil fuels as renewable energy has decreased from 78% to 76%. The rate of those who think that we can produce biogas from plant and animal waste has increased from 73% to 82%. 94% of the students stated that they learned a new web 2.0 tool. Again, 94% of the students stated that they liked the collaborative product on global warming. 97% of the students stated that they liked the renewable energy collaborative product....

Through the end of the project, we met with all the partners and played kahoot game. Here are the kahoot questions.

We had our last meeting and played a kahoot game.